Episode 18: January 9, 2003 - Bishops College 480 Wiarton 590

Not as many thoughts about tonight, but still an interesting game nonetheless...

This was actually a pretty even game between Bishops College and Wiarton. At least until Wiarton scored 250 in the Dirty Half Dozen. Finally a Week 2 team was able to do well on these questions!

I think Bishops may have had a tough time picking a Dawg for this game. For the first time in the tournament, we saw a team that had just about equal contribution from each member. Dirty Half Dozen notwithstanding, each member of the Wiarton team answered the same amount of questions correctly.

I was in the audience for this game, and I got put in what was probably the worst spot for getting on TV...I was on the left end of one of the top rows, just about right underneath that moving camera. I was moved from the middle of the 2nd row into the corner for the first taping. Oh well. I got my revenge for tomorrow's show. Just about front row center, and in the shot just about every time Michie speaks. If I remember correctly, I was in a red golf shirt, and I had a pretty big 'fro going then (I got it cut about 2 weeks later, so unlike my brother, my hair is short again)...I thought tomorrow's game was pretty good when I saw it in the audience, so make sure you watch! 1